Story Time: The cable car that leads to nowhere.

22:16 by

They say, if you follow the river flow from the river mouth to it’s source and the water lapping noises stopped, you’ll set your feet in the “Spirit World”.

This is a story that have never been told to anyone until this very second.

In this country, there was a place formerly known as “Magic Land” and their special attraction was the “Line to Heaven”. Visitors flocked Magic Land everyday and it’s a place that never sleeps. It also operates Line to Heaven even at night. However, this will be an unforgettable and once in a life time experience for Edd Liu and Lisa Chong. Both were a young couple and have known each other for 2 years. They’ve decided to celebrate their 2nd year anniversary at Magic Land. They tried all the rides and attractions in Magic land before they waited for the “Line to Heaven” where they can see the sun setting at the horizon from the top of a mountain.

“Two adults ticket, please.” said Edd. After 10 minutes of waiting, it finally came. The cable car was supposed to take them to the top of the mountain for a romantic getaway but it somehow takes them someplace else. Edd and Lisa sensed something bad once they entered the cable car. Soon after, gushing wind rattled the whole line causing the park management to stop the cable car. They were hung hundreds of feet above the air. As they tried to cheer up each other by saying its fine or wind is everywhere, matters turned for the worst. Fog shrouded the entire mountain reducing vision to zero. Suddenly, there was an announcement on the speaker. “We apologize for the inconvenience and the service will resume in two hours”.

Minutes passed by… as hours turned and the fog didn’t clear much and they thought they have been trapped for hours. Suddenly, the cable car line moved and they resumed their journey. “Thank god” as both of them cheered. Little did they knew, the cable car took them into the alleged “spirit world.”

In the calamity, a voice whispered in Edd’s ear. The word “death... death… death… death” keep ringing in his ear. Edd turned crazy and started attacking lisa. “Eat her flesh. You must be hungry” , whispered the voice again. Lisa squealed for a gasp of air as Edd loses control over his body, within minutes, her body was lifeless. Edd began consuming Lisa’s succulent red flesh and starts gutting her stomach for her warm innards using only his teeth. Edd snapped out of it when her body twitched. He could not cope with the situation starts pulling his teeth one after another. “Please be a dream, please be a dream” as he shouted. The clinking noise of teeth falling is the only sound that breaks the deafening silence. Lisa’s maggoty corpse was lying on the cable car floor like she has been dead for weeks and Edd jumped out from the pod which was found months after the incident. 

The End- 
Disclaimer: the setting and the characters mentioned in this story are highly fictional.